Facing lockdown -ALONE

This Tuesday, 24th March, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown. The announcement was made in response to the increasing number of positive cases of the novel coronavirus in the country.It was a sudden announcement, but necessary of course. I am living in a small town, watching people how they are reacting to this lockdown. Sometimes I am frightened because if these few people are behaving like this then, what about the rest…the entire country.
Along with the lockdown, a panic situation developed among the people. Some, are busy in hoarding groceries. Others are cribbing for the little extra amount of work that they have to do as the household help is not coming anymore. A period of uncertainty which needs utmost care. But above all, we need to understand the requirement of this drastic and abrupt measure. All these are because of the safety measures for us and others. We should thank god that we are together dealing with the lockdown.
Many people are living away from their families. They are now stuck. Can you imagine how they must be facing the situation? It must be huge mental pressure for them along with lockdown its effects.
These sudden arrangements are not long-lasting but it has suddenly created havoc and anxiety between peoples.
Many of us are working from home. Today, I talked to a friend and she was wondering how mothers are cooking and cleaning the whole day. Phew!! I was amazed. I asked her how we did it all these years!
I thought I should share my views on how to survive corona lockdown, particularly if you are alone as I am facing the same situation.
1. Work from home
Many of us are working from home and have shifted our base to the online medium. So, I think there must be a lot of anxiety. In this case, I would suggest taking breaks in between the work. Do not panic or get stressed. Organise your schedule so that along with your household chores you can finish the office work as well. We often crib that we don’t have to do things. The one holiday that we get in mid-week sometimes we feel blessed for it. Now we have time. So we can imbibe many things that we have always planned for. We can fulfil our hobbies and yes, the most important thing we can relax. We can talk to people on what bothers us. We can interact online and share our concerns.
2. Do not panic
Being alone really creates panic when you read numerous messages on social media and chat with people. But really, restrain yourself from reading all these messages as many of them are fake. Even I believed many things. Only later I came to know these are fake messages. Its better not to read rather delete such things.
Pick up a hobby, rather nourish it. Yes, you are right! I have picked up BLOGGING. I am happy about sharing things with you all. It is my stress buster. I quickly finish work to take out time for writing. Trying out new things are always a pleasure for me. Don’t say ”I can’t do”. I think we can do everything! All that we need is determination. May be once or twice we may not succeed, but nothing can happen now if we don’t initiate and win over our fear.
So get set go my dearies.
3.Meditation and Chanting
Being alone is painful. Stress is automatically created. Meditation really helps. Various apps are there to meditate or chant. Various chanting mantras are there which heals our souls.
I do and I feel so I am advising. It gives you inner strength, boosts morale. We are not alone. The world is with us. If you feel and meditate you can see the change in yourself.
Deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation are also helpful in stress relief.
Fix a time every day and be regular. These are the minute things which when we adapt, it cures many odds unknowingly.
4. Stay at home but stay in the heart of others.
We all are citizens of India.When there is a pandemic, we should help the government,obey rules and care for ourselves as well as others. Staying at home will help all of us. It will control the spreading number of positive cases. We only are responsible for this. Staying aware is most necessary. I understand being, alone it is difficult but it is necessary at this time.
Earlier, mostly it was heard “time issues…no time… we can’t do such and such”. So you have the time now. Just cultivate your long lasting wishes, your childhood memories, nostalgic photographs or books. All you ever wanted to do and you were missing out due to lack of time – do it now. Stay in the hearts of others. Help the needy ones. Its the time when you can help .They may not be having what we have so, go ahead.
5. Stay Calm and Positive
The most important thing is to stay positive. Don’t forward unnecessary and negative messages on social media. Stop others from doing that. Calmness wins many things. Situation can be handled. Positivity heals many lonely hearts. Reading good books or good stuff in such situations gives one strength . Negativity grinds you like a mortar. Its okay if you stay away from such people. When you are alone such things makes one’s life harder. Stay calm and positive to deal with this pandemic.
I am sure we will be out from these troubles. All we need is to be AWARE.
Facing lockdown -ALONE