Want more plants in your garden? Of course! Who doesn’t want to have varieties of plants and keep all types of collections. It is indeed magical how their stems, when pruned at the right time and in a proper way, can develop new tender roots and become new plants.
Before the summer starts it’s the golden period to propagate more plants by cuttings. You can multiply or propagate your existing plants and get thousands more plants freely from your garden or you can ask your friends or neighbors if you want to add some new varieties to your garden.
Steps for multiplying plants
1. Free plants from existing plants
In a year sometimes you can see plants become denser, growth becomes more or pot becomes overloaded. You can cut them and make new plants out of them.
- Cutting of roots
A) Cutting the roots
Plants like ferns, foxtail ferns, areca palm, etc.
You can just cut the roots, take out the plant from the pot and cut the roots by using a scissor or any other tool. Divide the root ball equally into two or four halves. Avoid making thin divisions so that roots will be intact and you can get a good root ball size. Small divisions may cause death and new plans will not grow out of it
B) Root division in pothos(money plants), syngonium, etc

Roots division
Whenever we take out these plants from the pot it gets automatically divided. The soil gets loosened and you can divide them and replant them very easily.
2. Dividing bulbs or rhizomes (plants like lilies, caladium, z z plant, etc )
Bulbous plants keep multiplying their bulls inside the soil. Many plants can be obtained by separating these bulbs or rhizomes.
Smaller bulbs like in Rajnigandha plant can be separated into branches. Take out the bulbs separate them and repot them. You can propagate them easily and make new plants from the bulbs. After propagation don’t forget to add adequate manures so that they give you beautiful flowers.
In many green stem soft and tender plants stem cuttings can be rooted anytime. For example in Coleus, Lucky bamboo. You can grow cuttings from these annual plants whenever you want around the year(exexcept enter).
3 . Rooting in Water
Few plants with soft stems simply grow in water, just take cuttings and keep them in a water jar. Many succulents, lucky bamboo, coleus, etc can be grown in this way.
Simply cut a 3- to 6-inch length of the stem. remove leaves from the lower part of the plant, and place the stem in water. Change the water every few days so it remains fresh and clear. Fresh air circulation will be there and new leaves will come out giving them new life and propagation will be successful.
Woody plants with thicker root stem cuttings are successful at specific periods (early summer or rainy season).
Tools for Cuttings
Before you start cutting, make sure you have sterilized scissors or a sharp cutter. A good rooting hormone like aloe vera or turmeric even you can buy rooting hormone from the market. and good potting soil media. Light and porous soil media. Use Sand, perlite, vermiculite, or cocopeat in the soil mix. Make well-enriched , light soil to get positiveresults. Roots will not grow in heavy or clay soil.
You can propagate many plants in your garden or neighborhood and obtain new plants So,.start collecting them as this is the best and golden period to grow and get free plants and grow your garden.